Search Results
CamundaCon 2018: The Role of Workflows in Microservices (Camunda)
CamundaCon 2018: The (Re-)Emergence of Workflow Automation (Camunda)
CamundaCon 2018: Workflow Automation at Scale (24hour Fitness)
CamundaCon 2018: A Global Workflow Infrastructure (Goldman Sachs)
CamundaCon 2018: The Camunda Stack: Status Quo and Further Roadmap (Camunda)
CamundaCon 2018
CamundaCon 2018: Cawemo: Collaborating on Workflow Automation (Camunda)
CamundaCon 2018: How to combine Camunda with RPA (Camunda)
Preparing for a future Microservices journey - (CamundaCon 2019)
CamundaCon 2018: Camunda talks Nicely with Others (Camunda)
CamundaCon 2018: Our Journey to the Digital World of Insurance (Talanx)
I want my process back! #microservices #serverless - Bernd Ruecker - (CamundaCon 2019)